It started!

The long awaited day has come...and gone. Installation of the fence finally began on Monday. I'm now working on Mondays and Tuesdays with a very long commute, and after all the heavy work in the garden last week and over the weekend I was too tired to even give you the quick update that the fence work had started the day of. Ah, but it's all worth it, and it's a good tired.

The next day, the posts had been straightened and set in concrete and more posts had been put in. I'm eagerly awaiting the day it's completed. Until then, I have more plants to dig out, not all of which I know what to do with, and more planning to do for plants to add after the fence is up.

So much to blog about, so little time. I'm starting to rack up a blog backlog.


  1. Congrats! Great news.

    "So much to blog about, so little time"... I hear ya brother!!!

  2. So much to blog about so little time....we have the same sentiments!

    The best big though is that at least the fencing has been done, yay!

    1. I have a feeling most bloggers share the same thought. ;)

  3. And I think most of us, when we started, thought we would soon run out of things to write about.

    1. I was feeling that way just a few months ago. Then I came back to the PNW and spring and I had plenty!


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