Wednesday Vignette: It's the little things

When I woke up this morning, I really didn't think I'd be posting anything today. I haven't been feeling well lately and haven't been very motivated or inspired to photograph the garden or write blog posts, or really do anything at all, really. But, wandering around the garden at work today, I came upon something special and inspiring. The old adage "It's the little things..." is so oft quoted because it is so true. Even if none of the big things in life seem to be going right, if they are happening at all, you can still appreciate those small moments of humor, joy, and wonder.

Cistus Nursery has a very healthy wildlife population. Frogs and small birds of all kinds can almost always be found. Then there are the migratory birds that are still flying overhead. Hawks can be seen occasionally, as well. But owls are an unusual sight during the day anywhere, particularly in such an exposed location as that chosen by this barred owl. I'd spotted an owl flying overhead a couple times late in the evening, when it was too dark to make out more than a shadowy outline. Today, I nearly walked right under it without noticing. A glance upwards to admire the rain-streaked bark of the eucalyptus revealed it perched nonchalantly on one of the branches. It looked down at me, blinked slowly with its big, dark eyes, and dismissed me. Even an obnoxiously noisy vehicle passing along the road failed to disturb it. It was content on its perch, and confident that the land-bound had no power to harm it. How I wanted to get closer, but I remained rooted to the spot as I slowly brought out my phone to snap these shots.

I've never been so distressed not to have a longer lens, or at least a camera that would take a higher resolution photo I could crop. The digital zoom on my phone quickly becomes fuzzy, even with a steady hand, but here is what I managed to capture. Speaking of cameras, some of you may remember that I lost mine a few weeks ago and have been looking for a replacement. I have actually found one, a used Panasonic Lumix GX1, but I'm still waiting to get together with the person I'm buying it from. If only I'd had it today, I'd have a picture worth framing. Ah, but I'm trying to be more positive here. I absolutely love owls. If I collected more art or chachkies, it would be owl-themed. I watched this beautiful creature, simply admiring it for a moment. Then, worried it would disappear, quickly went to find my coworkers and Loree of Danger Garden, who happened to be visiting, to share the sight with them.

As always, Wednesday Vignette is hosted by Anna of Flutter & Hum.


  1. Oh, how wonderful! I love owls too, although the ones I have seen in the wild can be counted on one hand. You are lucky to have experienced this, Evan! Also, thanks for teaching me how to spell chachkies - I have always wondered about that.

  2. You were so thoughtful to come find us and share the moment, thank you for that. Perhaps this is just the beginning of a long term relationship and once the nice camera is in your hands the owl will come back? Heck if I were an owl I'd think that was a pretty nice place to pass the time.

    1. I hope so. It's probably the same one I've seen as a silhouette flying overhead.

  3. A sighting like this enters your subconscious and expands it even if there is no camera at hand. My memory of a bald eagle flying low overhead is there for me whenever I care to tap into it. Your phone did a pretty good job and allowed you to share your wondrous experience with us...Thanks!

    1. True. It would have been wonderful even if I hadn't had any camera at all.

  4. What a wonderful find, Evan! I love owls too. I hear them regularly at night but the closest I've come to seeing one was a silhouette of one in the shadows of the Albizia outside my office window. He took off before I could even look for my camera.

    1. The university I went to had great grey owls that nested on campus. I loved listening to them in the evening.

  5. Great timing! And hope you feel better and recover soon!

  6. That's so cool! Once while waiting at a stop sign I saw an owl come gliding out of the fog in the field in front of me. It was remarkably eerie. I've been feeling pretty crappy lately too, I understand your malaise.

    1. Oh, that sounds breathtaking. I love eerie things, though. Hope you start feeling better, soon.

  7. Thank goodness for smart phones, as our better quality cameras aren't with us at all times. Owls are very awesome looking birds, and I remember a previous time that you posted a sighting. You are fortunate as I never seen one in the wild.
    Hope you get the camera you want soon. The Lumix are quite good; I have a smallish one with a Leica lens.

    1. I've been thinking of keeping my next camera with me more often for exactly that reason.

  8. What a cool visitor to the nursery and how lucky you were to see and photograph the handsome fellow! I've not seen a wild owl in Washington at all. Feel better soon!

  9. How beautiful he or she is, I adore owls as do most people. It is an especially great photo as it is resting in a beautiful eucalyptus.


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